I've been thinking a lot lately about how I view this blog, and how I'd most like to communicate to all of you out there. In the past 8 months alone, I've been finding my footing in terms of what I want to say, and the things I'm most comfortable posting about.
Since the start of this year, that 'thing' has been movies.
More than anything, I'm most comfortable writing about film. My personal Project 365 movie challenge has been a delightful struggle, and I've learned so much about myself as an amateur critic—I can't imagine my feelings 2—6—10 months from now. Even the hardest reviews aren't as daunting as, say... talking about my weekend plans, or giving sage closet-purging advice. I'm not used to that, even though when I breathed new life into this space last summer, those are the posts I pushed to produce.
As difficult as they might be, they're also what make a blog personal—and special. The movies I'm watching aside, there's more to me, and this blog, that I want to share. That might mean posting successful or failed photographs of my pets, or asking burning questions like "What's Your Favorite Lipstick?"... or maybe just lamenting about that totally bogus $73 parking ticket I got this morning. *fume*
Whatever it might be, I'm sensing a sort of balance coming back into this space. I hope that any of you out there will continue to join me, support me, and provide feedback about what you might enjoy reading. Of course, there will be no shortage of movie reviews this year, so I look forward to prompting lively debate when I post something you vehemently disagree with. ☺
Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and weekend! Except that parking attendant, of course.
(photo via Sinjun Strom)
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